Monday, November 16, 2009

Do you Doodle?

Do you Doodle?

I do. I think we all do, or did. I know we doodled on books in school, sometimes we do on napkins, but we don't always show them to people. Doodles are fun, magical, silly, enlightening. In my belief that everyone is an artist, I did some research and found Doodlage (Trashcan Art Salvage as their subtitle states) and in their own words:
"On a quest to elevate doodling to the status of an art form that it deserves!" This is certainly an understatement. If you doodle, if you want to doodle, if you don't understand how to doodle or what to doodle on, then take a look. And if you have nothing to do, then I suggest you plan to stay for awhile. You might even need milk and cookies, and if you're a link hopping art lover as I am, you might need more.

So here are some ideas from Doodlage...

Doodles from one post: The Iron Doodlers

And then there's food doodle...

Not only is this a fun and interesting resource for doodlers, but on their blog roll are numerous other doodle blogs, too numerous to mention here; these are amazing blogs so do browse. Now you'll understand why I suggested milk and cookies.

My biggest find on Doodlage was The Doodle Off V.3 , apparently the home of the successful and sizable Doodle Off. Take a look at this site because if you've ever thought your doodles were insignificant or uninteresting, you will see here that they can easily be true works of art. Picasso did doodle, after all.
I'll let you discover your favorite amongst the hundreds of incredible doodles on The Doodle Off V.3 but for now, here are a few amongst the hundreds.....
There is wood doodle....

There are lovely and serious doodles, although I would consider this full-fledged art, yes? That is, if you believe that art is always beautiful but that's another blog.

And a multi-doodle similar to the ones I used to throw away and now I'm thinking "Why?" because as a wall unit, I find these amazing....

Okay, so if you're an art junkie as I am and truly curious about drawing, visual ideas, and how people process what they do, then you'll enjoy another link via Doodlage, The Underground Art School and I'll let you take it from there.

Pick up a pen, some markers, crayons.......get rid of your sense of boundaries and expectation and let your mind wander.....let your soul talk to your brain and just have a good old fashioned great time.

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