Monday, September 28, 2009

The Art of Simplicity

Summer is officially over. It seems the holidays will follow shortly, our shadows will be longer and a bit misshapen, and some of us will have the desire to spend some time in bed reading a good book. I know this is true somewhere in the world but in Los Angeles the temperature has been hitting 100 degrees. Nonetheless, my dedicated and playful roommate ponders her reading list and her elongated image cast in front of her and is, no doubt, also contemplating what the next snack will be.

I like her simple approach to life; sleep when and where you want (in her case, it is her very favorite Barnes & Noble bag and it is 3/4 of her day), know enough to have a good conversation (again, reading the bag - her knowledge of titles is vast), know where the food is and go for the good stuff, and roll over if you think there's any possibility of getting a good rub and scratch. It seems to work for her. I might adopt the same basic principles.

In her off time, she tries to kill her fake mice, does weekends on top of the massage table, and stares out to the garden at the birdbath. Soon the birds will no longer be at the birdbath and she will go to her favorite winter activity which is batting around stray jewelry supplies that end up on the floor when I'm working. Since I've been working on pre-season designs, she also seems to be gearing up for some serious chases with fallen chain, misguided jump rings and the occasional bead that launches like a rocket when I've been in a hurry and lose control of such things. She loves when I'm working and so do I. We are a good team. In the six years that she's been my roommate, we have developed a mutual understanding. She doesn't eat my supplies, and I don't eat her food. We have solid boundaries. What more can we ask for? She is, in a way, my business partner, since she needs to sniff everything once its done, giving it her approval, and watch intently so I don't make mistakes. She plays her part well.

So "we" have a few new items we are working on to celebrate the upcoming holiday season which will be here quickly, arriving suddenly as if we didn't know to expect it, anticipating the last minute shopping spree.

We offer you a hint of what's coming and will be on my Etsy shop tomorrow afternoon - you can always check out the shop on the lower right of this blog.......these are fine silver (solid silver) crosses. Each is one-of-a-kind. Similar ones can be made but no two will be identical. I am using the symbol of a cross as a universal symbol as opposed to a religious one. I like the form itself. The ones you see here are heavily oxidized for maximum effect since they are highly textured.

So, as the summer ends and we enter a new season, think of the things you want to do to celebrate the upcoming winter - spend time with your family, learn to ski, get comfy beneath your winter throw and read a good book, start making hot chocolate - but if you live in Southern California, at least for now, don't put away your shorts because the heat isn't going away yet.

This is the Rosebud cross (I will be making other versions of this) - one perfect tiny rosebud with two leaves - organic, textured, feminine - approximately 1 1/2 inches in length.

This is the Aztec cross - also well textured with wonderful high shiny points - a bit smaller than 1 1/2 inches in length - all my crosses are offered on 18 or 20" rubber cords with sterling silver clasps OR adjustable leather cord (no clasp).

And then, because I love the look of hammered metal, we have the Hammered cross - the center is a triangle on a circle on a heart - thick, rich, and substantial - again, approximately 1 1/2 inches in length.

So, whether its a fashion statement, a personal faith statement, or just because you like the form as I do, take a look at my Etsy shop (there are a few crosses on there already) tomorrow and see these and the rest of the business partner has given her approval, she's educated now, she has good taste.....


  1. This is wonderful ... both your reflection and the jewelry. Your business partner's contributions are invaluable and her picture is perfect. The crosses are strong, different and outstanding. Really excellent art ... the jewelry and the cat.

    (I don't know how to sign this ... I don't remember my google account, and I don't know what a URL is exactly and can't imagine I have one, so I just have to remain me.)

  2. I would know you even by "Anonymous"..thank you for commenting. My business partner approved and returned to the massage table after she read this. I will tell you what a URL is.....:)
