Friday, August 21, 2009

Blame It On Julia

Remind me not to see another food movie for awhile. Dangerous thoughts run through my head.
If I could literally be anything in the world without considering talent or ability, I would have chosen to be a blues singer. Alas, I sound like Yoko Ono on drugs. My second fantasy would be a pastry chef in a grand restaurant, but once I realized how much I truly loved baking (and I'm really good at it), I gave it up for health reasons. I could make a cake in my sleep. Ask any of my friends about my cupcakes. Really good eating. And nice to look at because I try to put a bit of art into everything I do and, well, sometimes I get carried away. Note these:

I promised a really wonderful group of people that I would make them something sweet and what they inquired about is not easily transportable so they're getting this cheesecake.

I chose cheesecake because I've been making this for over 30 years and its something I can make without licking the bowl, without eating half the raw batter and having my insulin spike like a lie detector test on a lying thief. And I chose it because its really yummy and because it needs nothing to adorn it (except a few stars......but no sauce, no filling, nothing, just the core essence of the cheesecake). In its own true self it is perfect, like the people we care about, flawless even with cracks, a taste you want to have often, and definitely worth splurging on because when we see what true decadence is, and how easy it is to find, we want to embrace it fully. The people we meet and invest ourselves in are the true decadence in our lives, at least they are in mine, that richness that only comes with quality ingredients, understanding how to put them together, the right amount of warmth, and knowing when to open the door and let them breathe.

Really nice people. I'm quite grateful.


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